iPad Mini 1st Gen on OBS


Active Member
I am on Windows, I Have a Windows 11 PC
Okay. That's slightly redeeming, but only slightly.

There are two parts to this problem: iPad, and OBS. The OBS part is probably generic - the same answer applies regardless of what OS it's running on - but the iPad part is almost certainly specific to that OS. Thus, the Mac/Apple forum is still probably the better place to ask. Just don't mention until asked, like you didn't here, that you're receiving it on Windoze. ;-)

The general answer is to get an app that can stream from the 'pad (that's the specific part), and then pick it up in OBS (probably with a browser source, which is why it's generic).


New Member
Okay. That's slightly redeeming, but only slightly.

There are two parts to this problem: iPad, and OBS. The OBS part is probably generic - the same answer applies regardless of what OS it's running on - but the iPad part is almost certainly specific to that OS. Thus, the Mac/Apple forum is still probably the better place to ask. Just don't mention until asked, like you didn't here, that you're receiving it on Windoze. ;-)

The general answer is to get an app that can stream from the 'pad (that's the specific part), and then pick it up in OBS (probably with a browser source, which is why it's generic).
What app do I use Tho on the iPad mini