Thanks for the reply. I have tried several transitions, including a simple cut. Nothing solves this issue.
The more I think about it, I don't think this is a transition issue. I think it's a scene switching / network connection issue.
At first, I thought it might be an issue with NGINX and RTMP running on my iMac while OBS was running on the MacBook. So I installed NGINX and RTMP on the same computer as OBS. But the problem persisted.
My theory: there is an issue (either intentional or a bug) with WIFI / network connections while scene switching. Here's what I'm guessing is happening ...
Each scene I create represents a different an iPhone camera. That is, each scene contain 1 VLC source that connects to an iPhone's RTMP stream.
When I switch from SCENE-1 to SCENE-2, I think the SCENE-1 VLC-Source connection is closed or broken and the SCENE-2 VLC-Source connection is established. I think establishing that new network connection is slow, and so I see a black screen while the VLC-Source connection is being established.
To prove my theory, I created and tested 1 scene with 3 VLC sources. With one scene and multiple VLC sources, I used the hide/show layer icon to "switch" between devices streams. This works as expected. The switch is seamless and immediate (no black screens). So, it seems all connections are active and concurrent when multiple VLC sources are within 1 scene. However, you can't perform transitions like fades when hiding layers in a scene.
Can someone verify that my theory is correct? If so, is there a way to ...
(a) Keep one VLC source connection alive until the next VLC source connection is active? Basically buffer SOURCE-A until SOURCE-B is connected and ready for the scene switch. Or better yet ...
(b) Keep all network connections alive, active and concurrent, just like what seems to happen when one scene contains multiple VLC sources. Maybe this "keep-alive" can be an option users can select when creating the VLC source.