Question / Help Internet connection crashes after ~10 min of stream


New Member

I'm trying to stream on a 2017 MacBook Air 13" (1.8GHz Intel Core i5, 8GB memory, Intel HD Graphics 6000 for referecne) and latest version of OBS to date (20.0.1)

My scene setup is pretty simple. I capture my desktop and desktop sound + my external mic connected via 3,5mm port (with iShowU Audio Capture package to be able to do that). Video settings of the stream is pretty liteish, 3000 Video bit rate, 160 for audio and 1280x720 resolution.

At first I tried stream via WiFi (a/g pretty fast ~60Mbs)

That config suites my needs and MacBook not even screams with fans while stream is on, but when I start streaming after about 9-10 minets there's appear strange noise in headphones. And this is not interference in skype\discord call or music playing in backraund. It looks like whole system starts to slow dowm and jams. After this happens WiFi connection breaks, but it not looks like that laptop lost connection it looks like that network card dissapears from system (maybe driver crashes or smth) because if look at system tray at a top of a screen AirPort icon is empty (just like wifi is off) and if I click on it nothing happens (it even stop seeing wifi networks at all) OBS not craching at this point, it just show that he starts to scip frames of a stream because theres no connection.

Then I tried to do the same but with Thunderbolt-Ethernet dongle to skip possible issues with WiFi at all.

But no luck with this setup either =( Everything was exectly the same, after 5-10 minutes cracks in sound, system jams and connection to internet dissapears. In network settings it shows like I turned off wifi or Ethernet connection.

Please advice what can I do? I don't think that this MacBook model is not enough powerful to handle such simple stream set up. I streamed same way and with game capture on my 10y.o. PC with core2duo and 6gb slow ram.