Bug Report Intel Realsense support gone in recent releases


New Member
I have been going over this for some time now since recently purchasing a Razer stargazer webcam. I downloaded the recent release after watching this video, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cxyZDOMviwE .

The option to add a realsense camera was not available and I needed to install the version from the video to get it to work. So now I am on 16.6 and it works perfectly.


Active Member
Did you download the full installer?
Did you actually select the realsense plugin when you upgraded? (It does not attempt to install by default)


New Member
I was able to update to the current version, but I had to install 16.6 first then update. That was the only way to get the Stargazer to work.


New Member
Looks like the latest installer puts the plugin in the wrong place - mine showed up in C:\Program Files (x86)\obs-studio\obs-plugins\obs-plugins\64bit\win-ivcam.dll and so on instead of C:\Program Files (x86)\obs-studio\obs-plugins\64bit\win-ivcam.dll. Moving the plugin files causes the input source to show up in the list (although it's still not working for me, but might be another issue)