Question / Help Intel 3570K vs. 3770K


New Member

My girlfriend is streaming on twitch.

Her stream is actually running really well at 720p, 30 FPS and 3500 bitrate,
but in some games (CS:GO) she is dropping frames.
In WoW and HotS she have never dropped frames...
In the start she didnt drop frames in CS:GO either...

The system says its running on ~100% CPU in CS:GO

Its too expensive to buy a new PC atm, so was thinking if a CPU upgrade would do the trick.

She got an Intel i-5 3570K CPU atm.
Would there be a big difference if she had the i-7 3770K insted??


Forum Moderator
It probably wouldn't be enough an improvement to justify the cost. She should probably limit her frame rate in CS:GO (either with vsync or the fps_max cvar), and try checking the "Limit capture frame rate" option in the game capture source she uses. If the problem continues, post a log file.