Bug Report Inconsistent audio quality when recording


Ok, I've got several gripes with the way OBS records my audio.

First, my microphone. When I set the microphone to record, sometimes, it records my voice twice at one time. The result is that my voice echoes something fierce, and it sounds annoying. Sometimes, I can temporarily fix that by ... of all things ... disabling the microphone source by clicking on the "audio volume" icon, so that it looks like this:


You would expect that would do the complete opposite of fix the problem! You'd think that would eliminate the recording from the microphone altogether!

Well, it actually causes my recording to sound decent ... for a while, at least. After a few recordings (and how many it takes seems entirely random), it stops recording my voice altogether. Then, I have to turn the mic recording back on, and it records my voice decently again ... until it decides to start doing the double recording again and I have to repeat this cycle.

Why can't it just record the same way every time? Record my voice once, while the recording source is enabled, and (and I really need you to pay attention to this next part) STICK WITH THAT FORMAT!!!!!

But that's not the only problem.

When I'm recording gameplay footage, I prefer to use headphones. If I use my speakers, my microphone will also pick up the audio output, resulting in horrendous echo.

Anyway, I still prefer speakers for my default computing needs. So when I'm ready to record, I usually plug in a pair of headphones. I have my computer set to use my headphones by default, so if they're plugged in, my computer usually switches to them automatically.

So I also record with OBS by telling it to record my default audio output device. That should switch between the speakers and headphones automatically just like the computer itself does, right?


And yet, sometimes, my recording records my voice but the game is silent. I can hear the game footage in my own headphones just fine, so Windows is definitely automatically switching to the headphones like it should, but OBS, for some reason, isn't. Whether this happens or not appears to be random.

Up until now, I've tolerated this because I've only been recording games that allow me reload previous saves, and which allow me to save my game whenever I want. Games like Skyrim, Oblivion, and Dragon Age Origins.

But recently, I've been recording a game that (A) auto-saves for me, and (B) won't let me back-peddle and reload a previous save. So if my recording gets screwed up, my only option is to restart the entire game, from scratch, and make it all the way back up to that point, and hope that this doesn't happen when I try to record the second time.

Why can't it just work the correct way every damn time?! This is a computer program; it doesn't have free will! It should just do the same thing every time if I give it the same input!