In-game overlay to see recording status

Semper Ludens

New Member
I've been using OBS Studio for sometime now and I love it. I'm very grateful to everyone who contributed code to develop this amazing software - it's better than many commercial products (as often with open source projects).

One feature I find missing though is some sort of in-game overlay that would show relevant (maybe even configurable) information:

- Recording status (ie: currently recording/broadcasting on/off)
- Record/Broadcast duration (useful for LPs where time flies and you don't realize your video is now 2 hours long)
- Video size / Free storage left

And there might be more. Would this feature make sense as a plugin or core feature? I've looked for plugins similar to this but couldn't find any.

Regardless of the answer, I'm going to make a 10€ donation to the project because it totally deserve some funding.