Question / Help In-game is choppy with stutters!


New Member
Hello friends! I've recently dipped into streaming and did a few test streams and the stream looked GREAT in 720p 30fps but for some reason in-game it seemed choppy and almost unplayable (as in I wouldn't be able to perform to my highest level of counter-strike).

I have an i7-4790k and a GTX 1080 so I'm concerned about why my PC wouldn't be able to handle it. My log is below!

Thanks a ton in advance!

Deleted member 70571

Limit in-game frame rate so your hardware has more room for encoding.


New Member
My in-game fps is around 200 and drops to around 100 which is an issue since I play at 144hz.. I would prefer to to have over 180 or fps while streaming. I see many streamers with like or less value hardware than I have who stream good quality and manage 300+ fps.

Stream looks great, in-game seems to stutter with minor fps drops and I'm just looking to diminish that.
According to the log, you have less than 1% of the rendering lags/stalls, which isn't a big deal. Other than that I can't tell what else is wrong according to the log. CSGO shouldn't even fully use the GTX 1080, even at max settings with 8x MSAA


New Member
Well I know that CSGO is mainly CPU intensive. But it makes no sense that I should be dropping below even 200 fps while streaming! I could make 144fps work just so it matches my refresh rate of my monitor. But the issue is it drops below that at times. Stream is buttery smooth with no fps drops but if I can't figure out why my game can't sustain a normal fps rate I'm going to go insane. =(

Please let me know any other suggestions!