Hello friends! So I made a few posts on this as the noise gate plugin has a bit to be desired. Currently the noise gate, due to its nature will usually snip the front of your syllables when activating. It does not need to however. Mainly this happens because when you start speaking you tend to be quieter. To remedy this, a buffer could be added to both that and the webcam to aid in the ability of detecting when speech starts. It doesn't need to be long and could be user selectable. Considering you're talking about less then maybe 100ms. So when it rises above the open threshold, it goes back in the buffer and activates it preemptively. This would stop syllables from being clipped at the beginning.
I think this would be a very cool feature and extremely helpful to those of us that use a noise gate.
I think this would be a very cool feature and extremely helpful to those of us that use a noise gate.
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