Question / Help Improve livestream quality (settings or hardware)


New Member
Hi forum,

Just recently started using OBS due to the times and my band not being able to play concerts for a while. So we started live streaming, and everything is fine, i just wanted to know how to improve the video quality? Right now we use iPhone 7 as cameras with OBS camera plugin and the result can be seen below.
My question is, how do i improve the quality, is it Camera or the stream settings? (see specs below)
And if it is the cameras, which would you recommend to my needs?

OBS settings


Video: 1920x1080
Downscale FIlter: Lanczos
Common FPS: 60

OUTPUT (advanced)
Video bitrate: 4200 kbps (took a speedtast which said 5500 kbs was average but im on wireless)
Encoder: Software (x264)
Audio Bitrate: 256
Encoder preset: Veryfast
Keyframe interval: 2

iMac 27" Specs
3,4 GHz intel Core i7
32GB 1600 MHZ DDR3 RAM

Happy to get to know this site and community :)



Active Member
It's difficult to look at a finished product and point out only one thing that would improve quality.

A better camera would help, yes. Either a newer iPhone, or a dedicated camera. There are cameras that cost hundreds or thousands of dollars, and any might make an improvement, but I'm assuming you're not going to do that.

1080p60 is a difficult target to hit, and at the bandwidth you have selected, will not look good. If you cannot get a wired connection (and you really should) then you should pick either 720p60 or 1080p30 to make better use of the bandwidth you have.