Import .json scenes


New Member

I started to change from Windwos zu linux. The isntalltion of OBS qwas quite fine. Now I want to import my scenes from teh old windwos machine. SO I exported the scenes (standart format .json file) and I want to import the file on teh new Linux machine.

When selectiong the file OBS recognizes it as an OBS file. But after clicking import there happens nothing. Also no error message.

Can sombody help?



Active Member
I ran a Windows rig for a while, before transitioning everything to Linux. I just rebuilt that rig by hand on the new machine, using the old one for reference.
(Actually the documentation that I made for it, not the rig itself. You should do that too: document what it's actually doing - not just a list of settings - in a way that you can understand, keep that documentation up to date, and then use it to troubleshoot or rebuild.)

You're right, it would be nice to have the files work across platforms, especially for the more complex rigs. But I think the list of sources being different, for just one example, is a clue to why they don't.

We can make a lot of things work on each platform, and have those things be different; or we can make a few things work on all platforms. OBS seems to have chosen the former.


New Member
I just did this import of OBS Scenes from Windows to Linux this week, and it actually worked fine. (Using latest OBS versions available to each platform), but there's an almost-funny dead-simple fix: When you're on the Import screen, AFTER you have selected your file(s), there's a tiny little check-box field that bizarrely defaults to NOT being selected on the far left of each line. (?!?)
Click that little checkbox, and your JSON file(s) will import just fine.

Obviously you'll need to have manually copied ALL of your source files to the new system, installed ALL your OBS plugins, and restarted OBS *BEFORE* you attempt to import anything.

After that, go into every custom Plugin's Settings menu and change any absolute paths to files. (Windows paths are not usable in Linux, obviously.)
Then, go into each Scene component, and do the same. (Ex: Text element loading from a file --> point it to the new Linux file location.)

OBS itself likes to crash about once every 24H in Ubuntu, and Ubuntu has *never* understood the meaning of "stable branch" (don't even start me on this topic; I've run it at Tier 1 Telcos since 10.04). But a facepalm-inducing daily cron job and start service will work around those issues.



New Member
When you're on the Import screen, AFTER you have selected your file(s), there's a tiny little check-box field that bizarrely defaults to NOT being selected on the far left of each line. (?!?)
Oh no - thnaks for that ... i missed that checkbox :-)
Now it works - thanks