Idea for Video Media Source - start at random time


I sometimes use looping video files as Media Sources. OBS has nice options for looping these video files so they repeat endlessly, restarting on display, close on finish, etc..

For long video files it would be really nice to have another checkbox option that instructs OBS to start playing at a random time in the file, just to provide more variety when using longer video files.


To explain the use case -- I use a background video on a scene whenever I take a break -- the media source is configured to restart on display and loop and close when unused. So whenever I switch to a break the video starts over again at the start. I'd love for it to always start at a random location for variability.

I've considered disabling the options to restart when showing and close when not showing, but I'm hesitant to use the cpu resources to keep this video playing in the background.

However another option, besides jumping to a random location on playing, might be to have an option to PAUSE the video when not visible, and UNPAUSE when it becomes visible. Then i could disable the options to close and restart the video without taking a significant cpu hit.