Question / Help i5-2500k 720p 30fps pixelation issue - obs studio

  • Thread starter Deleted member 59113
  • Start date

Deleted member 59113

Hey all,
First off my PC:

8gb DDR3 Ram
Gigabyte Z68p-ds3 Mobo
stock tower fan
Coolermaster Hyper 212 cpu fan
GTX770 asus 2gb edition

I am having a few issues with stream quality (it's not even remotely viewable when in grassy areas) due to massive amounts of pixelation, I've tried changing so many things in Obs, Rescale output, bitrate, cpu presets etc but to no avail.

The best setting I've found so far is pretty standard for a non partnered streamer -
1080p monitor downscaled to 720 on both output and video settings
Running at 30fps,
3500 bit rate (i've tried every bit rate between 2500-3500 and found 3500 is stable for even slow internet speeds, I have a friend test whos on 1mb internet in germany and it's stable as well as on mobile 3g in the UK)
Cpu preset - Very fast (In testing sometimes I drop it to Faster and the stream runs fine, sometimes I start getting delay in game, other times I drop it to faster and the stream just stops for 5s at a time every few seconds)

My cpu is running at 100% load and 64 max temp, Is it worth overclocking in order to drop the preset?
I have attached a 1m30s test stream to show you the quality when in grassy areas.

Any help appreciated.

Deleted member 59113

I will post a log in the next hour or so, I use lanczos as it gives best result on stream.
I think the rescale box is checked but I will have to make sure.


Active Member
Only 2 dropped frames. Very smooth. Less blurry: raise bitrate to 3000 Kbps (that video is 2500 bitrate I think)

Your log shows 1280x720x30fps @3500 Kbps with no problems. These settings produce better image than video linked. Preset veryfast.

REMOVE opencl=true from custom settings.

Deleted member 59113

Put the Bitrate up to 3k, No lag but It didnt solve the problem, the stream was still massively pixelated, it's just not viewable.
I dropped the Preset, which helped massively on stream but I started getting delay in game, so obviously the 2500k was just at it's limit in a single set up (H1Z1 is VERY cpu intensive) and cpu was constantly at 100%.

Question, I think It will probably be obvious but I went into the loft earlier to check my old PC Box, and I've managed to scramble a pc together,
Tomorrow I will pick up Ram and SSD.

I5-2500s (3.7ghz turbo boost)
4GB ram (should be enough for just a streaming pc that solely encodes?)
Standard HD3000 onboard graphics

Will this be enough to stream from?

The gaming pc will be an i5-2500k, 8gb ram and gtx770


Need a capture card? You should add HD capture card to the list of parts for a computer doing the streaming.

4GB RAM is ok for stream-only computer that won't be running any games. intel integrated graphics 2000 or newer is ok for stream only computer.

SSD can speed up loading screens, but isn't really needed on streaming computer (any regular hard disk will do) as compressed video doesn't use a lot of bitrate. 8 Megabit per second (Mbps) equals 1 Megabyte per second (MB/s). Most hard disk can already go as fast as 100 MB/s of sequential speed. On older computers without UEFI, 2 TB is probably the maximum for windows primary "C:" drive.

As for stream video quality, grass while in motion are hard to compress to a constant bitrate and usually causes blocky grass. At least the sky stays nice and smooth. Most areas without grass, such as inside the building, looks nice and smooth.

Deleted member 59113

Thanks for the input guys, yeah I made an rpmt server last night and tried using my i5 laptop, quality was smooth but the i5 mobile chip didn't have enough to encode at a streamable quality which then reminded me I had most of the parts I needed for a streaming pc anyway (not the best streaming pc but good enough)

I'm going to pick up a HDD now before I buy any decent equipment

Deleted member 59113

Ok so have both pcs set up, I tried this on my laptop last night and worked fine (but quality was not good due to laptop cpu being too low)

Have set up a streaming pc but whenever I click "start streaming" on my gaming pc to send the details to the stream pc, I get "Failed to connect to server"

Cannot seem to work it out.
Any ideas?

Deleted member 59113

I've restarted the pc a few times and it's still the same,
Maybe I am doing it wrong or something?

The IP of both PC's are different

Deleted member 59113

Yeah both set to default, It's odd because it worked fine when testing on laptop!!

Deleted member 59113

Ok I seem to have taken a step forward but have encountered another issue!
The gaming pc is now successfully connecting and my overlay/game is now showing on my streaming PC OBS screen, but now it's saying "failed to connect to server" on the streaming PC

I'm able to stream from my gaming pc to my streaming pc, but not from the stream pc to twitch!

Here is the last log on the streaming pc!


Active Member
21:23:02.581: RTMP_Connect0, failed to bind socket: The requested address is not valid in its context. (10049)

Same advice:

In this PC, advanced settings, bind to IP------ default or its IP