I want backups to be easy to restore. And my tip... public. tar command win10


New Member
Windows key + R

First, close the obs program before backing up.

echo obs backup
cd %appdata% && tar -cvzf "%USERPROFILE%\Desktop\obs-studio.zip" "obs-studio"

echo obs backup OneDrive user
cd %appdata% && tar -cvzf "%USERPROFILE%\OneDrive\Desktop\obs-studio.zip" "obs-studio"

Tip. Save the `obs-studio.zip` file created on your desktop somewhere else
usb or D drive. Copy it. move
If you don't see Create, right-click on it and select 'Refresh'.
Or, if the path is not correct and an error occurs, check the 'OneDrive' path folder and try again with one of the two.

echo obs restore
rd /s /q %appdata%\obs-studio
cd %appdata% && tar -zxvf "%USERPROFILE%\Desktop\obs-studio.zip" -C "."

echo obs restore OneDrive user
rd /s /q %appdata%\obs-studio
cd %appdata% && tar -zxvf "%USERPROFILE%\OneDrive\Desktop\obs-studio.zip" -C "."

I found this method today. So I'm posting it because I want to share it.

I think it would be convenient if the obs program had a backup menu.

thank you.
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