Question / Help I upgraded my hardware and now I get crap framerates.


I upgraded my motherboard and just reinstalled Windows so I could go from a GTS 450 to a GTX 1060, and now every time I record, no matter what settings I have it set for, I can't do 60fps.

EDIT: I can't use X264 anymore, I have to use NVENC H.264. I wasn't using version 17 until I upgraded. At least I found an answer, but why does the old way not work anymore?



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checking the log you are showing

22:57:52.556: Output 'adv_file_output': Number of skipped frames due to encoding lag: 101 (15.1%)
22:57:52.556: Output 'adv_file_output': Number of lagged frames due to rendering lag/stalls: 174 (25.7%)

this is because the i5-2310 is overloaded when recording using x264 software. If you only want to record change the encoder to use the 1060gtx nvnec this will remove the cpu issue. The audio could be crackling dues to this or are you using any virtual audio devices? like virtual cable?

EDIT: I see you have now changed to nvenc therefore can you repost a log if you are having issues still.