Bug Report i need help with my recordings


New Member
so ive ben trying to to record the same video over and over but it just keeps dispering and I don't get eny file so ive exsplpred all the opshoins and all the files but theres no sighn of my new vido I sherched everywhere on my computer but still no sighn this was happeing with the older vidos two it startind happeing 3 months ago but still I neecd help knowing how t fix this so plase can someone help me I need help I don't know if this is a bug or not. but I would want to know if I can have my new vido first in my moded survival sires back or is it just gone


New Member
can someone help plase ive ben waiting for help for as long as i posted this bt no repliy so plase can i hvae help someone repliy back to help plase


Active Member
Unfortunately, your postings are incomprehensible. I don't get your point. You might want to use a spell checker and create short and comprehensible sentences. Short sentences with punctuation.


New Member
whats ben happening is when i record a video the file dose not show up anywhere on my pc so i need help knowing how to fix this i cant record another youtube video until its fixed? plase i need help plase


New Member
is enyone going to help me please i need help please i reealy need to make another youtube video please i need help


check if you have a location for your files in the "Output" tab of File-->Settings. If you do, click File (on the main screen of the program), then click Show Recordings to see your videos!