Question / Help I have two OBS problems. 1 very high cpu usage & 2. skype lip sync problem.


New Member
Hi all. My name is Rea. I've been using OBS for a little while but have a problem. I'm using a a mac pro and stream live. I use my camera and a guest on skype. I have 2 problems. 1 the cpu is running at around 96% when streaming and the second is. the lip sync is out on skype.
when I look at skype with a guest not in OBS there is no lip sync problem. but in the skype window on OBS there is a lip sync problem?
And cpu problem.continues, My stream output is 1100 vid & 64 audio so quite low.
Any help would be really appreciated!
Love & Peace always. .


New Member
If by "mac pro" you mean a Macbook pro: Maybe getting too hot, the term "pro" in it is there just for marketing purposes, they are not made to run at 100% CPU for longer than a few minutes.
Which hardware are you using exactly?


New Member
Hi. Thank you for your messages. Its a mac pro tower. 2 x 3ghz cpu. 64gb ram 1gb radon graphics card; I thought turning down the output would reduce the load on it. So turning up the out put might help or not? and does anyone have any thoughts on the lip sync problem with skype? Skype is fine on its own but lag in OBS.


New Member
Thanks Harold! If I lower the restitution to 720. should I use down scale or start with a new canvas at 720? is there a difference in cpu usage between the two approaches?


Active Member
Downscaling should be fine, as the process for that is typically done on the video card and not the main processor.


New Member
Thank you I'll give it a go. . Do you have any thoughts why skype has a lip sync problem?


Active Member
Bitrate actually has precisely NOTHING to do with cpu use.
Okay, I'm confused then, and it means I've been giving (and possibly getting) bad advice.

With all other settings being the same what happens when I lower the bitrate from 5000 to 500? Only reduction in quality, no extra effort to compress the same frame size into a smaller one? I could have sworn that recording at the highest bitrate possible increased file size but reduced CPU load.


Active Member
The encoder would throw away quality rather than burn more cpu time to go lower bitrate.

It's encoder preset that affects quality per bitrate at the cost of cpu usage difference. (veryslow is highest quality per bitrate at highest cpu use, ultrafast is lowest quality per bitrate at lowest cpu use)


New Member
Thanks all! And Harold! I'm going to do a show on Wednesday at 720 rather than 1080 using the downscale and I'll let you know the difference in cpu usage. One thing is for sure though. My mac will run for an hour and 20mins at 90 to 98% for that long. How many times it will do that before it fails I don't know. .


New Member
1080p doesn't make much sense with a bitrate of just 1100 anyway ;)
You wrote you have 2 x 3ghz cpu, (i just googled this, because a mac pro with dual core sounded strange :p), this means your Mac is from 2006, so 12 years old by now, and every current low end cpu is faster than this. So it could very well be normal that the CPU is at 100%, after 12 years it's probably time to buy a new one
If you want to test streaming: On Youtube (maybe on other sites too) you can set your stream to private, this way you can easily test "real" streaming from OBS.
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New Member
Hiya. Its a 2008 mac pro 2.1 and the stream looks great! No problem with qualty! t runs faultlessly. I've had a few people comment on how clear the picture is. . i did tests from the standard 2200 output over about 5 shows. got down to 800 and it just started show a loss of quality and after few more tests 1100 worked just fine. then I wound down the audio and found that 64 was also fine. Ps. I've told my old mac. Don't listen to xvic, your going no where! We'll work it out! :-) lol


New Member
Hi all.
Just a quick one.
I changed the stream from 1080 to 720. It still looks fine and the cpu has gone from 90/100% to 60/70% Great! Now I just need to fix the skype lip sync problem. .

Chris Ricks

New Member
Hi all. My name is Rea. I've been using OBS for a little while but have a problem. I'm using a a mac pro and stream live. I use my camera and a guest on skype. I have 2 problems. 1 the cpu is running at around 96% when streaming and the second is. the lip sync is out on skype.
when I look at skype with a guest not in OBS there is no lip sync problem. but in the skype window on OBS there is a lip sync problem?
And cpu problem.continues, My stream output is 1100 vid & 64 audio so quite low.
Any help would be really appreciated!
Love & Peace always. .

Sky did you get resolve the lip sync issue? I'm experiencing the same