In that log, first you record and stream at the same time.
19:38:55.971: Failed to initialize obs video (-4) with graphics_module='libobs-d3d11.dll', retrying with graphics_module='libobs-opengl.dll'
but before this
19:31:14.240: Settings changed (advanced)
I think you entered OBS in Direct3D 11 capture mode and changed to Opengl.
You are using your GPU to encode
19:36:54.374: [qsv encoder: 'streaming_h264'] settings:
19:36:54.374: rate_control: CBR
19:36:54.374: target_bitrate: 2100
19:36:54.374: fps_num: 30
19:36:54.374: fps_den: 1
19:36:54.374: width: 1280
19:36:54.374: height: 720
And you get these problems:
19:41:16.062: Output 'adv_stream': Number of skipped frames due to encoding lag: 293 (3.7%)
19:41:16.062: Output 'adv_stream': Number of lagged frames due to rendering lag/stalls: 971 (12.4%)
19:41:16.062: Output 'adv_stream': Number of dropped frames due to insufficient bandwidth/connection stalls: 6186 (78.8%)
19:41:15.112: Output 'adv_file_output': Number of skipped frames due to encoding lag: 293 (3.7%)
19:41:15.113: Output 'adv_file_output': Number of lagged frames due to rendering lag/stalls: 964 (12.3%)
Your integrated Intel HD 4600 is not powerful enough render and encode streaming and recording at a time.
Your NVIDIA GeForce 820M unfortunately does not support NVENC.
AND YOU have problems with your network connection
Check this post
Afterwards, you try only recording and you get this:
19:42:21.141: Output 'adv_file_output': Number of lagged frames due to rendering lag/stalls: 160 (25.0%)
******** Use 1280x720p 1800 and encoding preset superfast. Ultrafast will give worse image.
Maybe you should scale down to 1066x600p or even 854x480p