I fixed awful Mouse and Screen Capture Lag when running OBS by changing the Display Color Profile back and forth...


What the title says.

Every now and then, windows I need to capture on my secondary display have begun to stutter and my mouse downright drags when moved onto that secondary monitor to the point of unusability--like single digit fps and multiple second mouselag only on that monitor.

I think it might have something to do with the way Spaces work with the ScreenCaptureKit API because one time the lag seemed to begin after I made an app fullscreen accidentally for a second. Yup. I just figured out how to reproduce the issue by entering and exiting fullscreen. Will probably open a Github issue when I get a chance.

Anyway, the solution (also reproducible) is to change the display color profile for my secondary display. That fixes it and then I can just change it back to my calibrated profile and it stays fixed. I don't know why that fixes it, but until the devs (either Apple or OBS) can get it sorted, it's a quick easy fix.

Here's a demo of the issue and the fix: https://youtu.be/J0stHr4EfR0