Question / Help I drop 30+ percent of frames and not sure why


New Member
Hi all.

I recently started streaming, and have followed a lot of guides in order to do so. I dabbled in it once before, but this is my first REAL try at it.

I have an i5, 3570k @ 3.4GHz, GTX 760, 8 gig ram. My internet is 60 down / ~5 up with nobody else on the network.

I use the TwitchTest program to test my bandwidth before I chose a server to stream to. Most servers have a bandwidth of 3.4 to 4 mbps shown.

Currently, I have my OBS settings 1600x900 (monitor and no downscale), 30 fps, "veryFast" setting, 2500 kbs upload, x264 encoder, CBR 'rate control', a Keyframe interval of "2". variable framerate UNchecked. Custom buffer size is also set to 2500. My game is shadow of mordor and I have all of the settings on MEDIUM. Normally this would run on Ultra settings when not streaming and get 60 fps average. .

I realize I should probably have an i7 for a high moving game, but it also doesn't seem right that i'm dropping 30% of my frames according to OBS. If it matters, I carried over all of these settings from what I had in OBS to OBS Studio. Iuploaded a log file. I'm just so curious why I'm dropping so many frames? Thanks for advice.


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