Question / Help I am a member of the forum and need help from everyone


New Member
Hi guys,
Quite new to this streaming/recording stuff, so I have a dilemma that I think cannot be fixed, but I have my fingers crossed that you guys may be able to help me.
Basically I made a newbie error by not checking levels before recording, and it turns out in the final recording(s) that my mic audio is really quiet in comparison to the game audio, making the recording useless. So, my question is, is there a way to edit the mic audio and the game audio seperately AFTER recording? I imagine that this is impossible as the the mp4 file (the recording) has merged all the audio (and video) together into one piece of media, but doe anyone know if there are any workarounds or anything that I can do to get my mic audio up, whilst keeping the game audio as it is?