Huge quality difference when stream on Twitch vs Facebook with the same settings


New Member
Hi everyone, lately I've been streaming on Facebook and I can't understand why the video quality is blurry when I move or pixelated, but it looks good when there is no movement, for example with games like Overwatch.

I did a test streaming on Twitch with the same settings I have for streaming on Facebook and the difference is huge. On twitch the video looks great at all time, but on Facebook it looks horrible when there is a lot of movement.

This are the settings used on both platforms:

Here you can see the difference:

Facebook video:
Stream log:

Twitch video:
Stream log:

I would appreciate your help, thank you very much and sorry for my English, (my mother lenguaje is Spanish).


  • 2020-06-21 11-13-46 FACEBOOK.txt
    89.9 KB · Views: 43
  • 2020-06-21 12-40-41 TWITCH.txt
    88.4 KB · Views: 15


Active Member
Have you tried streaming in 1080 and seeing if it makes a difference? (you'll need to through some more bits at it). Also:
1. Having the YUV Color range set to "Full" will cause playback issues in certain browsers and on various video platforms. Shadows, highlights and color will look off. In OBS, go to "Settings -> Advanced" and set "YUV Color Range" back to "Partial".
2. In many cases, wireless connections can cause issues because of their unstable nature. Streaming really requires a stable connection. Often wireless connections are fine, but if you have problems, the first troubleshooting step would be to switch to wired. We highly recommend streaming on wired connections.
3. Your log contains streaming sessions with dropped frames. This can only be caused by a failure in your internet connection or your networking hardware. It is not caused by OBS. Follow the troubleshooting steps at . Try with a wired connection first per 2.
4. Update your Windows 10 to 2004 if available per


New Member
Have you tried streaming in 1080 and seeing if it makes a difference? (you'll need to through some more bits at it). Also:
1. Having the YUV Color range set to "Full" will cause playback issues in certain browsers and on various video platforms. Shadows, highlights and color will look off. In OBS, go to "Settings -> Advanced" and set "YUV Color Range" back to "Partial".
2. In many cases, wireless connections can cause issues because of their unstable nature. Streaming really requires a stable connection. Often wireless connections are fine, but if you have problems, the first troubleshooting step would be to switch to wired. We highly recommend streaming on wired connections.
3. Your log contains streaming sessions with dropped frames. This can only be caused by a failure in your internet connection or your networking hardware. It is not caused by OBS. Follow the troubleshooting steps at . Try with a wired connection first per 2.
4. Update your Windows 10 to 2004 if available per
Not tried in 1080, I will test.
1. I will try this
2. I have always made a stream with cable, and for some reason I did not realize that this time it was done by wireless, I will generate the log with cable again.
3. Yes, it was probably because of the wireless
4. I will run windows update to see if it appears.

In any case, even when I did it wirelessly, on Twitch it continued to look good, while on Facebook it looks the same as when I do it with cable.

Since I try your recommendations, I'll come back with the results, thank you very much.


New Member
Have you tried streaming in 1080 and seeing if it makes a difference? (you'll need to through some more bits at it). Also:
1. Having the YUV Color range set to "Full" will cause playback issues in certain browsers and on various video platforms. Shadows, highlights and color will look off. In OBS, go to "Settings -> Advanced" and set "YUV Color Range" back to "Partial".
2. In many cases, wireless connections can cause issues because of their unstable nature. Streaming really requires a stable connection. Often wireless connections are fine, but if you have problems, the first troubleshooting step would be to switch to wired. We highly recommend streaming on wired connections.
3. Your log contains streaming sessions with dropped frames. This can only be caused by a failure in your internet connection or your networking hardware. It is not caused by OBS. Follow the troubleshooting steps at . Try with a wired connection first per 2.
4. Update your Windows 10 to 2004 if available per
Well I come back after doing several tests with your recommendations, streams at different resolutions and FPS, and the only notable difference was that if I transmit at 30 FPS the image quality is not reduced so much when there is movement in the game that when I do it At 60 FPS, I have no frame loss in any of the tests.

720p@60fps log:
720p@30fps log:

I also tried 1080p at 60fps and 30fps, with a higher bitrate and the results are the same as with 720p and no frame loss.

As I mentioned earlier, this only happens on Facebook because the stream looks perfect on Twitch.

I'm out of ideas and I'm totally lost with this


  • 2020-06-21 21-05-12 720@30.txt
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  • 2020-06-22 00-04-32 720@60.txt
    104.9 KB · Views: 33


Active Member


New Member
Probably just stick with 720p@30fps and you'll get more bits per frame. Facebook re-encodes video. This is why it's available in multiple resolutions such as 720, 480, 360, 240 and 144. Twitch does not (unless you partner or prime or something like that).
I use to stream to FB, Twitch (and 3 other providers) and same thing.
Twitch video:
Facebook video:
If this were for everyone who stream on Facebook, I would have no problem, but I see streams at 1080/720 at 60 fps that all the time are seen with good quality, and this is what I do not understand because I cannot achieve that quality if I have what is needed and I think we agree that a 60 fps stream is more striking than a 30 fps stream. I'm going to check that

Either way, thank you very much for your support.


New Member
If this were for everyone who stream on Facebook, I would have no problem, but I see streams at 1080/720 at 60 fps that all the time are seen with good quality, and this is what I do not understand because I cannot achieve that quality if I have what is needed and I think we agree that a 60 fps stream is more striking than a 30 fps stream. I'm going to check that

Either way, thank you very much for your support.

have you found a solution? I have the same problem haha