Question / Help Huge in-game FPS hit when window capture is on

Adam Fluty

New Member
Hi all,

I finally got my stream set up the way I wanted a couple days ago. But yesterday when I opened OBS Studio, my in-game frames got severely worse (I don't even have to start streaming). The only way to restore the frames is to hide the window capture source. Is it known that window capture will cause lower in-game fps? I swear I don't think it was doing this two days ago. I did add more text and a webcam source, but these dont impact my fps at all when toggled. Please help.

In-game VSync helped, but the game is still not 100% smooth.
I use Window Capture because Game Capture looks worse for the game Paragon (still in beta).
I have my Xeon CPU set to only run 7 cores, this is not limiting factor.
I have two GPUs, but I have SLI disabled and do not use Multi-adapter mode because it looks bad. If anyone has multi-adapter working great, let me know! :) (SLI Bridge still installed)
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New Member
I am also having issues with this! I am using Gamecapture but I had a perfect stream for my first stream, two days later and even now My in game frames drop below 10... :( My cpu is hardly being used but my frames have just crashed when I normally run 60+