Question / Help Huge FPS drop on OBS while playing H1Z1


New Member
Hello guys,

I'm really frustrated and i Need your help. I'm a streamer and i mostly Play h1z1. as soon as i join a game, the framerate on OBS starts going downhill. it goes all the way down to 15FPS on OBS. I only have this Problem on H1Z1 and i have all my settings on LOW, no fps drops on CS:GO and other games.

CPU: Intel Core i7-6700K 4.00Ghz
GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 6GB

Playing on 1920x1080 60FPS, Output Scaled 1280x720, x264, CBR, Bitrate 2500, veryfast.

Anyone knows how to fix this problem?
Apart from the following line, there's no recording session on that log.

19:36:58.297: ┃ ┣download_frame: min=0 ms, median=0.002 ms, max=92.741 ms, 99th percentile=27.239 ms

The 99th percentile section shows you're overloading your GPU. You need to be at most 16.7ms in order to keep a consistent 60fps which you're failing to on OBS. Cap your framerate in the game if possible to reduce GPU load. Best method is going to the H1Z1 folder and opening UserOptions.ini with notepad, and changing the value of the MaximumFPS= line to something below your minimum FPS.

Alternatively, change the FPS on OBS from 60 to 30 since it's below 33.3ms which should be the target on 30fps streams.


New Member
It worked. i put my fps on 80 and it is good now. but i want my ingame FPS back on around 130 :( i guess i need to buy a better GPU
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