Question / Help How to stream twice (youtube+VLC) with live only


HI mates, I've a particular configuration, a server running OBS far from the scene, on the scene a laptop running VLC as a monitor and a phone with the android app to change between scenes.
I would keep "record button" to record files for the offline performances (which need to be edited later) , and also I would avoid to use the server CPU processor twice when, to server the remote VLC, I need to encode the live and ffmpeg the record output.

As now I've found by srt protocol a way to stream the VLC monitor frm live but how now can I "duplicate" the stream to stream in youtube too?
1) Can I configure ffmpeg to connect to srt and stream to Youtube? I've read that is almost possibile.
2) I've noticed that OVS supports only only one client IP to connect to its srt, If I try to connect the second client it doesn't work, it works only when I stop the first one. How then can I serve remote VLC and a local "streamer" to Youtube at the same time? Can I use local multicast address? Which one?

Thank you a lot!


I'm doing some tests, I've noticed that OBS doesn't support to stream to multicast address, and this is unfortunately a big minus for the purpose of this app, I figured out that it's quite easy to do it with VLC, I just need to open the srt stream and send it to udp without recompress it, now I'm able to see it locally (another VLC opened) at address udp://@ and also to the remote vlc monitor. It's just a bit laborious to do. ALso this method will introduce more delay to the final stream, how can I reduce it?
There is any better option to restream all simplier? Now I need to find a program which is able to send this stream to Youtube too..


thanks for kind reply, it's not really good solution, I need to stream locally to the remote PC, it has no sense to stream to internet and download from there..
Any option? Maybe any of the following solutions?
1) Script on OBS may influence output?
2) Any valid software able to restream locally?
3) using ffmpeg can I connect to an srt and stream (copy) to Youtube?


New Member
This should cover what you are trying to do

I would personally recommend installing the OBS-NDI plugin like that you can have three outputs 1. Stream to YouTube/Twitch etc.. 2. local recording 3. Any NDI device on your network. (I found the NDI latency was the lowest compared to other protocols.