Question / Help How to set the streaming delay?


New Member
Hello, I have dowloaded this software and I want to delay my streaming more time. Right now there's 20'' delay and I want to increase that up to 2 min.
I don't find the settings for this.
Where is it?


Community Helper
FerretBomb is correct, though I would like to add that the 20 second delay you are seeing isn't from OBS, it's due to your streaming service. OBS MP does not have a delay and sends video out immediately. Any delay beyond a second or two is from your streaming service's distribution system.


New Member
FerretBomb is correct, though I would like to add that the 20 second delay you are seeing isn't from OBS, it's due to your streaming service. OBS MP does not have a delay and sends video out immediately. Any delay beyond a second or two is from your streaming service's distribution system.
Ah okay, thank you.
So in any future upgrade will it be set?