How to set path for virtual camera


New Member
Previously, I could select which v4l2loopback device to output to. After updating to OBS 26, with the new "Start Virtual Camera", I can only output to the first v4l2loopback device. Is there a setting somewhere? How can I select the output path of the virtual camera?

I'm using a Canon DSLR to USB3 via g2photo & v4l2loopback. This is itself a v4l2loopback device. When I run "v4l2-ctl --list-devices", it lists two devices. I then use g2photo to send a stream from the camera to /dev/video0 . For OBS to detect the camera, it has to be running into a loopback device BEFORE OBS starts. The issue is that since I can't select where to send OBS virtual camera output path, it is overwriting the camera with the output. This is how I output OBS into something like Zoom. It was working fine with OBS 25.


I have a system with multiple cameras that then uses the v4l2loopback. To get the loopback device in the "correct" spot each time I boot, so it works with OBS Studio, I add this file: /etc/modprobe.d/v4l2.conf

Then add these contents:

options v4l2loopback video_nr=6 card_label="OBS" exclusive_caps=1

Reboot and it should come up ok. Good luck.

Happy hacking,
