How to set OBS to accept H265


New Member
Hello Everyone,
Do you know if OBS will support H265 from PTZ camera? I want to set up the system for church with H265 compression so i can record at 4K and stream at 1080P. If you know of the way, please point me to the right direction. I really appreciate


Active Member
Regardless of whether OBS supports a compressed source or not, try to have them uncompressed if at all possible. This will likely require a dedicated video cable run for each (SDI, for example, which runs on the same coax as a TV antenna but with BNC connectors), or high-bandwidth dedicated (wired!) ethernet.

Our two PTZ's have both Cat-5 and Coax run to them, to allow networked control and PoE, and to get a good signal back via the coax. They also have a networked video feed, but we don't use that. Then we have this in the computer:
General page for their capture devices:


New Member
so you are saying that we cannot run H265 via ethernet?
Currently, I set the Camera video with H265 but the OBS does not see the video and there is not option within OBS to set as H265


Active Member
so you are saying that we cannot run H265 via ethernet?
Currently, I set the Camera video with H265 but the OBS does not see the video and there is not option within OBS to set as H265
Sure, you *can*, like R1CH said. Just understand that you'll likely have compression artifacts that you can't get rid of, because they come from the camera's H265 compression. That's *in addition to* the artifacts that OBS's compression puts on it.

Each time you compress, it gets worse, even with the same or better settings, because the artifacts from the previous stage become detail that the next stage tries to preserve at the expense of more of the original. That's called "generational loss". So try to have only one generation of compression if at all possible, and that's already taken by OBS's output.


New Member
Sorry, I am so confused. In my system, i can set the Camera to output video data via Ethernet with H265. In the OBS, I can see the setting for the video to be H264 not H265, and there is no video until i change the Camera setting to H264.
My question if OBS supports H265? and how to set it.
Hope this clear