I don't mean the text settings, I mean any sort of text that can be from file or set by a plugin. Is this possible?
What do you mean by retrieve ? OBS automatically updates the text from a file if it was changed externally.I don't mean the text settings, I mean any sort of text that can be from file or set by a plugin. Is this possible?
If the text is in text_gdiplus sources, and the text was manually edited or set by a script etc, you can read it from the "text" portion of the "settings" for the source. If the text is from a file, then "settings" won't have "text', but will have "read_from_file" with a value of true, and "file" with a filespec so you could read the file to get the text.
Let's put it another way. What do you want to accomplish by doing this? Where should you get the text from, and where should you put it?
Do you want to select a specific source and get all the text from it to save it in a file or somewhere else like a logging method ? If so you may want to have a look over the docs