Question / Help How to remove "artifacting" from green screen?


New Member

Okay so. I bought a green screen. It's not an actual green screen. It's a green cloth, pretty big too. I also have a logitech c270.

I got my stuff set up but when I try to configure the green screen, I get some artifacting in either the background, or my body. Especially on my body edges. But I could deal with that. I just don't want artifcating on my body/background. If I change the "similarity" too high, my body gets artifacts, is it's too low, the background gets artifcats.

Not sur what I can do to fix that issue.

Any ideas? I need help. Thanks!


1. Evenly light the screen. There's no getting around the truth that a properly (read 40-60 IRE/%), evenly lit greenscreen will key properly.
2. If you can't do that, then do your best to do the above, and use 2+ keyers. Yes, Stack them. Use each keyer to focus on a part of the screen, and no more.
3. Use Google to learn about keying, and how to pull the cleanest key possible.