How to record a YouTube video inside OBS


Finished downloading and installing OBS. Focused on recording a YouTube video inside OBS. Have created a scene with resources for Display Capture, Audio Input Capture, and System Sound. What would I do next?


Finished downloading and installing OBS. Focused on recording a YouTube video inside OBS. Have created a scene with resources for Display Capture, Audio Input Capture, and System Sound. What would I do next?

I originally downloaded OBS to do the same thing. Depending on what you are trying to record will determine what all you need to do.

Can you provide an idea of what you are trying to record, and I'll do my best to give you some ideas.


For instance, I would like to copy a video of my son singing Austin I Still Love You from YouTube to a scene inside OBS. Then I would click on Start Recording and save the screen to an MP4 file which I could edit in OBS.


Active Member
For instance, I would like to copy a video of my son singing Austin I Still Love You from YouTube to a scene inside OBS. Then I would click on Start Recording and save the screen to an MP4 file which I could edit in OBS.
It would be better to just use one of the many, many YouTube Downloader sites/applications out there to pull down a 1:1 perfect copy of the video, rather than trying to re-record it in OBS. You'll get significantly better quality for your eventual edit.

OBS is not an editor, by the way. It cannot edit videos, and the functionality to do so will not be added. It is a realtime production streaming tool first and foremost. You'll need to use something like DaVinci Resolve, Blender, or Vegas to edit videos.


OBS is a real-time production streaming tool Hum what does that mean?
If I drag and drop a still image into OBS I can add audio and save it to MP4 format.
Can I have a video running in OBS add pictures and audio to it and save it to MP4?

Tomasz Góral

Active Member
Me self use OBS to live stream football, hockey, basketball or any other sports.
OBS is video mixer, can connect diffrent source like video cameras, video file, picture, web source (e.g. Zoom, Teams or and more other.
Some time i use OBS to send my signal local cable TV.
What do you need OBS for?


I have attended one online course by Kevin Stratvert called "Getting Started with OBS." I am a Newbie. My interest in using OBS came about because I attend online events and would like to carry on discussions about these events. There are many different types of events for instance my son likes to make videos using the camera on his cell phone and put them on YouTube. Last week I attended a meeting held by Doctors For American at which Kevin Limbo the State Controller for Connecticut discussed his proposal for funding healthcare. The meeting was broadcast using Zoom. I like to attend a series of online concerts given by the Salt Marsh Opera. These concerts feature musical theater favorites. It is broadcast on YouTube. The church I attend broadcasts services on Webex; I am a member of a men`s group and attend their online meetings. They use DUO to broadcast their meetings.

What do you think? I thought I would use OBS to record these events. Then convert the file format to mp4 and assign a meaningful name to each file. When carrying on a discussion I could clip a section from a file and insert it into a scene inside OBS. Then use the Webcam source feature to position a small window on a screen that could show me asking questions while the video plays. I was not able to clip a section from an MP4 file and place it on screen inside OBS? Can someone tell me how to do this?

Tomasz Góral

Active Member
You have wrong program, use video editor.
- Adobe Premier (paid version)
- Resolve DaVinci (free and paid version)
- HitFilm (free and paid version)
- Magix (paid version) i use this


I have attended one online course by Kevin Stratvert called "Getting Started with OBS." I am a Newbie. My interest in using OBS came about because I attend online events and would like to carry on discussions about these events. There are many different types of events for instance my son likes to make videos using the camera on his cell phone and put them on YouTube. Last week I attended a meeting held by Doctors For American at which Kevin Limbo the State Controller for Connecticut discussed his proposal for funding healthcare. The meeting was broadcast using Zoom. I like to attend a series of online concerts given by the Salt Marsh Opera. These concerts feature musical theater favorites. It is broadcast on YouTube. The church I attend broadcasts services on Webex; I am a member of a men`s group and attend their online meetings. They use DUO to broadcast their meetings.

What do you think? I thought I would use OBS to record these events. Then convert the file format to mp4 and assign a meaningful name to each file. When carrying on a discussion I could clip a section from a file and insert it into a scene inside OBS. Then use the Webcam source feature to position a small window on a screen that could show me asking questions while the video plays. I was not able to clip a section from an MP4 file and place it on screen inside OBS? Can someone tell me how to do this?

There are a lot of different ways that OBS can be used. Trying to record those events in OBS - using a browser source for example - would make the quality of the recording dependent on the quality of their video/stream.

However, you also need to be aware of any potential copyright infringement by recording/uploading - content that doesn't belong to you.

In order to really "clip" videos - you do need a video editor as others have suggested.
Technically - you could add the browser source & only record the "clip parts" you need, but there is a lot of work involved - and it's over complicating the situation.

If you had pre-recorded videos, you could add those as a media source - and have the small clip playing on screen while you are talking and asking questions.

As far as the video editors that Tomasz suggested (can be a little resource heavy) - I'll toss a few more suggestions at you as well because if you have a lower-end PC, you may need to try other editors.

I had a lot of issues with video editors that were useless because the rendering lag after doing rough cuts would make it impossible to have a smooth playback.

PC editors : Shotcut, Openshot, VSDC,
Mobile editors: Videoleap, Kinemaster

Filmora X by Wondershare (one-time pay) is the video editor I use, after testing like 15 different editors. But it a matter of personal preference, and what you system can handle.


Googled Filmore X did not find a one-time payment, the lowest cost was $39 per year; going to try a free editor first



I used the YouTube Downloader to download a video from YouTube. The file is called Musical Theater, Decade of the 1950s. I saved the file in MP4 format then I played it using Microsoft Photos a program that comes in Windows 10. Photos app includes a video editor; I used the video editor to clip segments from Musical Theater and make several files.

I would like to play the segments from Musical Theater inside OBS. I used Media Source to get the video into OBS but there is no sound. What should I do in order to hear the sound?


I downloaded two operas from the Salt Mash Opera Winter Series. I used YouTube Downloader, UT1; it was easy to understand, all I did was select the output format and paste the URL in then click convert, after awhile it asked me to click download. The download took about an hour. I am very satisfied. Next I would like to download a seminar presented by Intel called "How Wonderful Gets Down in 2021" I have the URL and I pasted it into a shortcut. When I click on the shortcut it opens the video. What software should I use to download it?
