How to not mute audio channels from sources if the scene is not on air?


New Member
Hello, everybody, i see on OBS if the scene is not on air the audio knob of the scene/source dont show on OBS and the audio can't appear too,
the knob/VU Meter shows only if the scene is on the air, is there any way to mantain the audio from source open even if the scene its not on air?

Thanks in advance


Active Member
This seems really simple, so as a new user, I'll note the following 2 things
1. In Advanced Audio Properties, you can unselect the default "Active Sources Only" heckbox (lower left on my screen) ... and you'll see all audio sources in all scenes
2. A source is NOT tied to a scene (can be, doesn't have to)
so if you want an audio source to be audible in multiple scenes, add that source to the scenes where you want it

The Audio mixer shows the audio sources for the sources in a scene. if you are missing an audio source that you want in a scene, simply add it to the scene (you can use Copy/Paste .. look into difference (RTFM) between Reference & Duplicate to understand the distinction


New Member
Thanks Lawrence, but this is a problem! cause if i am receiving audio + video trough URL or other kilnd of stream into OBS, i cant split and add as only audio source, understand?

for example, i add a remote cam as SRT, i cant add only the audio from this source on another scene ;-(


Active Member
You can add the browser/whatever source in that scene, but hide it visually. That will give you the audio without actually showing anything.