Question / Help How to lock Window Capture dedication per window title?


New Member
In the Windows version of OBS, I was able to tell OBS to dedicate a window capture per the title of a window as it is exactly or similar. That is, lock to capturing a window titled "Firefox - Youtube - Cute dogs" or just "Firefox". In the Linux version (24.0.3-1) this option is gone. So, for instance, if I'm capturing something on Youtube, but it changes to a new video hence changing the window title, the window even while being captured is technically no longer recognized as the window it was told to capture. So when I double-click the window capture element (to change any of the tweaks), it will jump to another window of the same type (in this case, it would jump to the first instance of FIrefox that was opened) and record that window (which as you can imagine could get annoying or embarrassing). I really need to be able to lock window recognition to EXACT title, not just type of window, to avoid this very annoying jumping!