Bug Report How. To. Delete. Settings. On. MAC?!


New Member
I would love to know how to rest my OBS settings to factory/default. Why? Because OBS now records/streams my screen quite blurry, and I do not like that.

I tried messing/changing settings to fix the resolution, but OBS does not change. I tried to figure out but. nothing. helps. at. all. (If you haven't guessed, I am quite irritated).

I checked forums and they say, "Just delete AppData"...but where is the AppData?! There is nothing! And I did tried to uninstall and re-install three times...but it always appear with my data from the last time I left it.

So.........how do I reset OBS?!!

Any help would be very appreciated.

I run on an El Capitan if that helps.


Active Member
In the Finder (Mac equivalent of Windows Explorer) type

Command - Shift -G

This will bring up a dialog asking to take you to a target directory.


~/Library/Application Support/obs-studio/

Logfiles and global.ini are there.