Question / Help How to delay video & audio from capture card?


New Member
I've been trying for a few hours to find a way to sync my capture card up to what i'm seeing, but when i go into advanced audio settings and add the appropriate delay, the video isn't synced with it's audio anymore. Is there any way to delay the video feed? Even separately from the audio, just at the same delay? I'd love to get this working, because I like actually being able to stream from this capture card in it's original quality.
Thanks for any and all help.


Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
Video can't be delayed (yet), but audio can be delayed. Apologies about that, we're adding in the video delay stuff soon.


New Member
Video can't be delayed (yet), but audio can be delayed. Apologies about that, we're adding in the video delay stuff soon.
I'm a little sad to hear that, but hey, If you guys are working on it i'll be on the lookout for the next update!