Question / Help How to control webcam properties like exposure, tilt, pan etc while streaming live


New Member
Ya so I dont know how to do this, other than stop streaming, open guvcview and adjust properties there, then exit that and reopen obs and the changes will be applied. Is there something i am missing to adjust zoom or focus on the fly while streaming live?

For Linux, OBS MP doesn't have control over the webcam other than for resolution, video codec & framerate. (I don't know about Windows or OSX)


New Member
I am back in windows right now and it does it all that on the fly thru the properties>Configure Video button. Opens up all the controls with slide bars very similar to how detailed it is in the program guvcview in linux. If windows can do this i imagine that linux will someday on the fly as well. Probably just not implimented yet in obs.


New Member
You can do this on the fly with guvcview (just tried it with my logitech c920), just run it in control panel mode with:
guvcview -z


New Member
I have logitech c930 business edition cams. yes that is plural. i have multiple cameras. using guvcview -z only works for one camera and not the other. Could we get a better solution like obs in windows has for adjusting camera properties particularly for autofocus on or off, saturation, sharpness, and auto exposure on or off? thanks!


New Member
While I would agree it would be ideal to have this within OBS, have you tried something like

guvcview --device=/dev/video0 -z

multiple times, substituting the device for each cam?