How to cite OBS?


New Member
Hi everyone!

I used OBS (version 18.0) for my PhD study. Now I would like to know how I could cite OBS.

These are the information I need:
1) the developer or developer team. What do you think is more accurate: "Hugh Bailey" or rahter "OBS community"?
2) A short official description of what it is. Somehting like "Free, open source software for live streaming and recording" perhaps?
3) Does the OBS community/ developer team have a "headquarter"? If so in which country and city?

To give an example, this is how I need to cite the statistical programming language R I used as well (which is also a free and open software):
R Core Team. (2017). R: A Language and Environment for Statistical Computing. Vienna, Austria. Retrieved from

Google search wasn't very helpful and neither was searching this forum. I hope you can help me. I could simply skip to cite OBS but I would feel better if I could give properly credit.
I'm pretty sure this isn't the correct thread, but I simply don't know where else I could post this question. So if you have any suggestions where I could ask instead, I'm happy to do that! :)

Thank you in advance and best wishes,


Community Helper
I'm confused, what is the context in which you are "citing" OBS? Are you citing the source code? Or a snippet of the UI?


Probably depends on the exact format you are going for. Id look at any other papers you feel like modeling after as there are plenty of papers deriving from gnu sources. For example an APA cite of the GCC packages

Stallman, R. M. (2010). the GCC Developer Community. GNU compiler collection internals. 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110, USA: Free Software Foundation, Inc., 2010.01. 21 [2010.03. 01]. http://gcc. gnu. org/onlinedocs/gccint.

As there is no overarching foundation or company managing IP associated with OBS (E.G. the FSF in the GCC example) there isnt much reason to provide an address in my mind.

Bailey, Hugh. (2017). the OBS Project Contributors. Open Broadcasting Software. Retrieved from

Or a just skim ACM and copy off them. I think the above is a bit nicer though there are a few papers out there citing OBS if you search hard enough. As I dont have a membership I cant see the exact reference though the OCR suggests its quite simple. e.g.
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