Question / Help How to capture a section of the screen?


New Member
Hey guys,
I just upgraded to Studio, and now I am having problems configuring it to capture a section of the display. I would like to capture only the top left corner of my display.

I tried using "Display Capture," and setting my bounding box to the proper dimensions, but it always seems to capture my whole desktop instead. It only blacks out the area outside the bounding box---even if I try cropping (see attached image).

I also cannot use "Window Capture" because it does not capture the viewport area of my 3D software (it just displays a white space where there should be a rendered image).

Any ideas?



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It's not "capturing" the black area, the black area is there because your output dimensions are larger than the dimensions of your cropped image. Either rescale the cropped image to fit your output dimensions, or shrink your output dimensions ("Base (Canvas) Resolution") to match the size of the cropped area.


New Member
I am not sure I follow. My output dimensions (in settings > output scaled resolution) is set to the cropped resolution (1920x1080). This is the size of the bounding box I want. My monitor is 2560x1440, but I only want to capture a box the size of 1920x1080.

Can you be specific on which settings I need to change?

Much thanks,

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New Member
I should note, I am able to get it to work in the older version of the software (OBS_0_657b), simply by designating the window area. But the new version has changed its menu/options, so it's still a bit confusing.


Base (Canvas) Resolution is the size of the area you're recording. If you change the output scaled resolution, it will scale the recorded image from the canvas resolution to that size. You need to change Base (Canvas) Resolution to 1920x1080 as well.


New Member
Ah, that did the trick. Thanks Simes.

For anyone else who may have the same question, you not only need to set the bounding box, but now you also need to set the cropping box as well (in addition to setting the output/canvas resolution).

I still don't quite understand the settings yet (it's not the most intuitive software), but it works. I have attached a screenshot of the settings for anyone else who might be interested... to help avoid the headache.


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