How many INDIVIDUAL displays can OBS "see"?


New Member
I'm using a Zenbook Pro Duo with two 32inch monitors connected. My hope was to have 3 separate things on each display and use the main laptop display for switching. Unfortunately, OBS only sees 3 of the 4 displays. I can see all 4 displays and i can send say, Multiview to screen 4 but I can't capture it. Does OBS max out at 3 individual screen captures?


Active Member
Thank you. Now I just need to find out why OBS only sees 3 of my 4 displays
Which display is not being seen?
Laptops' built-in displays normally be driven by the iGPU (for power savings) while most external displays will run on the discrete GPU under the assumption that an external display will only be in use while docked/plugged in.
It also looks like that laptop has a second 'touchbar' display built in, which kind of means all-bets-off on being at all standards-compliant. Weird features tend toward hacky implementations, after all.

If you do a test recording, upload the logfile, and paste the link to it here, we may be able to at least see what's going on and give a little insight.