Question / Help How do you position sources?


In regular OBS, there were some options to position sources (Move to left edge, move to right edge, move to top, move to bottom, center horizontally, center vertically).

In OBS MP, I can't find any such option. All I can see is center to screen.

What's the quickest way to position some sources at the center of the top edge of the screen?

Can anyone help me out?

Suslik V

Active Member
I know only one way: Transform>Edit Transform...>Position - set it manually (canvas size/2 for Positional Alignment = Top Center).
I think fast navigation is not implemented yet.


Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
Ctrl-D centers, Ctrl-F stretches to fullscreen preserving aspect ratio, Ctrl-S stretches to fullscreen disregarding aspect ratio.

You can also do this with the transform by using a bounding box and setting it to "maximum size only", then setting the bounding box alignment how you want, then stretching the bounding box of the source to the full screen.

I'll have to add some more quick-to-access options for making it align like that.


New Member
+1 for the "Position/Size" feature to be added to OBS Studio! Really frustrating to use without this when setting up the scenes. Although I'd rather have a method to import my exisiting OBS classic scenes as it's taking me ages to recreate them all in Studio. The lack of editing tools in OBS Studio is just compounding my misery right now. Hate to be the one complaining about free software, but just adding my support for this feature to be added!


New Member
I'd also like to voice my desire for the Position/Size features from OBS Classic to make a return. They save me a lot of frustration.
+1 for the "Position/Size" from me as well.

Other functions regarding this wich would be really fine and partially exist in OBS Classic:
  • Fit source to bounding box. This means that you resize and position the box how you want and then scale or strech the contents to the box. Currently you can only fit the box to the content but not vice versa.
  • When resizing the box at any corner with CTRL (or any other key the developers define, like ALT or SHIFT) pressed, aspect ratio of the box is maintained.
  • Snap to grid: When resizing or moving a box it automatically snaps to screen edges or other boxes. This makes a lot of things easier. The user should be able to turn auto-snapping off by pressing a specified key during resize/move.


The Helping Squad
To give an overview of the available options:
  • Source snapping is available, to edges of the screen, other sources and horizontal/vertical center. (activate in the general settings)
  • Center on screen: CTRL + D
  • Fit to screen (keeping aspect): CTRL + F
  • Fit to screen (stretching): CTRL + S
  • To reset transforms: CTRL + R
Pixel perfect resizing, positioning, cropping and rotating is also available through the "Scene Item Transform" dialog.

Missing hotkeys to my knowledge are the following:
  • Center source horizontally Ctrl + Alt + C
  • Center source vertically Ctrl + Shift + C
  • Move source to left of canvas Ctrl + Alt + Left
  • Move source to right of canvas Ctrl + Alt + Right
  • Move source to top of canvas Ctrl + Alt + Up
  • Move source to bottom of canvas Ctrl + Alt + Down
These can be done with the mouse through source snapping quite easily though. Not sure if a few missing hotkeys are a major flaw. And they will probably be added for feature parity in the future anyway.


New Member
why not just add back to menu?



New Member
I place all of my sources in a scene and name it template. Then, I duplicate the scene and remove the sources I don't need in that scene and rename it. I realize changes are difficult and also would like a way to copy amd paste the sourxes into new scenes, in the same position. But, this is my only workaround. Feedback welcomed!


Nice simple idea of placing all your sources in one master scene and using that as the starting template for all other scenes. I might try that process