Question / Help How do you listen to the audio output to your stream?

Furious Sty1z

New Member
This seems like a simple solution, but I have yet to find it. I am wondering if there is a way to listen live or very minimal delay the audio (mic, 2ch, etc) that is being sent to my stream. The reason I want to do this is so when I adjust audio levels of the game, music, or mic I can hear it live. Right now I have to make the audio adjustment and then listen on the actual stream to see if the levels are good. This could be a 30 second delay. If it is incorrect then another adjustment will have to be made. As you can see this could be a 2-3 minute process.

I'm streaming through a MacBook. Is there software that will allow me to listen to the audio leaving OBS to the stream or is there something simple I am overlooking? How do any of you do this?


Furious Sty1z

New Member
I understand this method and I do use this with soundflower to deliver audio to the stream. Since audio from my mic, spotify, and capture card independently are fed into OBS through 2ch, directly from the mic, and capture card - their min/max audio levels are not the same.What this doesn't resolve are the audio levels after they have reached OBS. I know my wording is a little confusing, but at the end of the day sliding the volume on OBS to 40% on spotify can produce a higher or lower level of audio for the capture card slid to the same position. Listening to the levels after it has reached OBS is my goal.


Active Member
I don't think there's any way to do that currently other than listening to the actual stream. Perhaps it could be a feature request for OBS to send its post-mix output to another audio device to monitor?

Jay Roosa

New Member
I second that request for an audio monitor. Right now that would be my number one priority, everything else works great!