How do I use NDI HX on Android phone to bring Zoom video source into OBS on MacBook Pro?


New Member
Hi folks,

How do I use NDI HX on Android phone (Samsung P20) to bring Zoom video source onto OBS on MacBook Pro (2019 — Big Sur 11.2.3)?

I am able to bring through the NDI HX feed as a webcam into OBS on my laptop, but I actually want to capture a Zoom call that is on my phone. The reason being that I want to display in my OBS production two instances of the same Zoom. Everything I've read and watched suggests you need to bring it through from two separate devices — which works best via NDI.
The idea is to have Zoom in speaker mode in one part of my production, and Zoom in grid mode on another part of the production (as per this video

Any help would be appreciated