How do I prevent OBS from picking up audio from specific windows/apps while still recording the audio of other windows/apps?


New Member
I want to record the audio and video of my game to post but I enjoy listening to background audio while playing and I don't want the background audio to be picked up while I record. how can I do this?

Edit: I found the Application Audio Capture Feature, to anybody who might be having this issue, you just need to add a source and it shows up (in case you're as new as me)
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Active Member
just a caution
Be sure to look further into Application Audio Capture (its known bugs, issues, etc) before using
For many PCs, it does NOT work reliably (how, much of that being OBS Studio code, and more of it being the underlying Operating System APIs involved and how OBS Studio does audio, I suspect). If it works for you... great... but audio sync drift, crashes and more have all been reported on earlier versions. And too early to tell is latest OBS Studio release has resolved some or many of the known issues