Question / Help How do I lock an image?


New Member
Hi, guys. I am going to start recording a podcast soon on OBS 20.1.3, and I was wondering how I could lock a recording on a specific image, so I can do other stuff in the background and the audience cannot see it. Basically, I want to have a movie poster up on screen, and be able to put on music and such, but I don't want people to be able to see what I'm doing. Any help?


New Member
I'm sorry; I'm a little dumb. I tried recording a quick video with your instructions, and I can still see my cursor moving around. I really apologize for this.


Active Member
Create a new scene. Add your placeholder image to that scene. Make that scene active.

Press the Studio Mode button. Your preview window now has two panes-- the Program window on the right, which shows what is live-- this should be showing your placeholder image ONLY.

On the left is your preview window. It shows the scene you're going to put up next, but it doesn't go to program until you hit one of the transition buttons.

Now you can switch to another scene and edit its elements while the audience sees only your placeholder image. When the edited scene is ready and displayed in the Preview window the way you want it, click a transition button and it will be displayed in the Program window, and be live on your stream.