How do I create a PowerPoint presentation video on OBS


New Member
I'm new to OBS. Please I like to know how I can create a PowerPoint presentation video for youtube using OBS. Anyone to help with this, please?


It's simple -



Active Member
At a high level, an important work-flow decision you need to make is whether to
- create (Record) a video (of whatever, PowerPoint presentation in your case) and then locally edit it before uploading to YouTube​
- (live)Stream OBS' output direct to content delivery network (CDN, You Tube in your case) and use that video as is. Note you don't have to be "live" you can stream, and make Public later.​

If you locally edit, you can create a much more polished video... BUT... you'll notice little things and likely be prompted to re-record, and you can spend massive hours, more if you are a perfectionist
CDNs, like YouTube, massively compress their videos, so if you want a high quality (fidelity, resolution, etc) video, you'll want to locally record (you can stream and record at same time, though beware using different settings if your computer isn't up to 2X rendering workload)

I can tend to be a perfectionist, so to avoid the massive timesink of re-takes and video editing, I tried to get as much into OBS as I could (overlays, title Scenes/thumbnails, credits, etc). I used Advanced (not built-in Automatic) Scene Switcher to automate scene changes to accomplish this. I then livestream and Record at same time. I then Archive that Recording so I have a better copy of the original (vs using the online version... this requires disk space. I record to my fast NVMe SSD, then move afterwards to a HDD for archiving)

Now, I figured out (with posts in this forum 2.5 yrs ago) PPTx presentation without those videos. So I don't know what all they cover.. so just a few tips just in case, or things to be on the lookout for in the presentation
- How many monitors you have makes a difference, due to which PPT presentation mode you'll be using, and when doing the video and audio compositing that OBS is capable of, will you have a screen real-estate to display OBS without interfering with PPTX capture?
- You can do a PPTx slideshow in a Window (vs Full Screen) but beware window size and re-scaling (up) video in OBS due to video quality impact (ie, if going the Windowed slide show route, my recommendation is that keep the window the size of the resolution you plan to stream at.. so if a 1080p video, don't make window smaller than that.. meaning monitor of higher resolution required... why I have a 1200p and 1440p monitors at the moment on my OBS PC)
- Different Capture options are available (Application Window, Display, or Game) with differing considerations and impact on mouse visibility in screen capture (sometimes folks want mouse visible, sometimes not, and OS version and OBS capture method all interplay to determine outcome... sometimes tedious to figure out with your PC, your specific video driver, OBS and OS version, the exact right combination to get what you want

A next-step thing to keep in mind, is there is a discussion on this forum about using PPT macros to send command to OBS (using websockets) .. ie change PPT slide and initiate action, like scene change, or move/turning on/off talking head video, etc... I mention this as you are likely to find you want to initiate certain changes in OBS while presenting but not lose your focus.. so are you going to use mouse/keyboard in OBS app? OBS defined Hotkeys? something like a StreamDeck? or imitate from within PowerPoint... all are options ... again, just food for thought

Good luck