Question / Help How can I stop my videos from being glitchy?


New Member
I've just started using OBS, and I've recorded two videos today. Both are glitchy. I've attached a picture from the second recording as example. Can anyone help me? Here's the log file from, I think it's the first recording? It could be the second but I'm not sure
Annotation 2020-05-09 134238.png


Active Member
12:08:46.897: Output 'simple_file_output': Number of lagged frames due to rendering lag/stalls: 2038 (3.7%)
12:08:53.193: Video stopped, number of skipped frames due to encoding lag: 1851/54892 (3.4%)
You have a good bit of rendering stalls, generally meaning that your GPU is being overloaded, and OBS can't complete its basic housekeeping tasks in time. Run OBS as Administrator. There's a workaround since 24.0.3 that allows OBS to take priority over games, and do its stuff first, ensuring that won't be a problem.

Also, it'd be a good idea to download VLC ( as it appears you're playing back your recording with the default Windows 'Films and TV' application, which is known to have a lot of issues. VLC will play back videos cleanly, and rule out another potential source for the corruption you're seeing. :)


New Member
You have a good bit of rendering stalls, generally meaning that your GPU is being overloaded, and OBS can't complete its basic housekeeping tasks in time. Run OBS as Administrator. There's a workaround since 24.0.3 that allows OBS to take priority over games, and do its stuff first, ensuring that won't be a problem.

Also, it'd be a good idea to download VLC ( as it appears you're playing back your recording with the default Windows 'Films and TV' application, which is known to have a lot of issues. VLC will play back videos cleanly, and rule out another potential source for the corruption you're seeing. :)
Thanks for responding! I'll try it out when I'm done with my schoolwork later :D