Hotkeys focus behavior cant be switched with new install on clean new build


New Member
I have recently installed/upgraded from Ubuntu 20.04 to 22.04 and installed OBS through 'Ubuntu software app' witch I used in both snap and .deb installs. With these methods the keyboard input is disabled when OBS window is in focus.

I then tried the website PPA install (only saw that after struggle began) and keyboard only works wile OBS window in focus.
When switching between options in advanced settings nothing change in hotkeys behavior.

I have read previous post, running as admin > I am on ubuntu and can access the keyboard but cant seem to 'apply' the advanced settings.
Log file:

Please help


New Member
When running Wayland hotkeys will only work when OBS has focus.
So there's a way to run a different hotkeys? ... never mind I replied before googling Wayland hotkeys. Sad affair but happy with your answer. ( I could not edit previous reply due to time limit )