Bug Report Hotkeys Don't work


New Member
My space bar is used to mute and unmute my mic. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. I've found that it works more consistently if I open up the program and then hit the space bar to mute and unmute my mic, which if I was going to open up the program every time i wanted to mute or unmute my mic, I'd just hit the mute and unmute button on the program itself. Kind of pointless to have a hotkey for that.

Now, the hotkey does work (intermittently) but I tend to find myself mashing my spacebar button at least 10-15 times before it finally goes through (and yes, my space bar button CLEARLY works).


New Member
That doesn't fix the problem. I've done a little more research on the area and below is what I've found:

Hotkeys will work fine for roughly the first one hour to one hour and thirty minutes of a stream. This occurs while in the background.

After roughly the first one hour to one hour thirty minutes of stream, the hotkeys will go intermittent while in the background, but will continue to work if I move OBS to the foreground and press the hotkey.

After roughly the 2 hour mark, the hotkey function will completely cease to function properly and I will then have to manually click the mute and unmute buttons on the OBS panel.

I hope this further insight helps troubleshoot the problem. I stream every day and the above times are an average of the past month since I posted this problem.

Also, The fn Key doesn't seem to effect what happens. I have also moved my Mute/Unmute buttons around to other keys. It seems to work the longest while on shift, and the shortest while on Arrow keys.