Question / Help Hotkeying

Right now I'm using my tenkey to switch scenes. This works, but is somewhat less than ideal as then the key presses show up in whatever application is in focus.

So in my search to automate, I found actkbd. This nifty little bit of kit takes input from a specific event device (and so works with not just keyboards, but also mice, WaCom drawing tablets, console controllers, and, my webcam? Gesture controls FTW?) and translates it into either a command or a different key, depending on settings. Since individual keyboards can be disabled in Xinput, this makes for a viable solution BUT, what to do with the commands?

I'm assuming that if I simply use uncommon Unicode characters, that OBS would pick them up, but probably so would every other application. If there are many more uncommon key codes similar to Shift, Ctrl, Alt, etc, then this could be a possible solution, but I don't know of any, and my Google-fu is failing me.

Another solution is running a command which will send signals to OBS. I'm not sure if OBS accepts launch-signals, and I'm not sure what other programs I could use for this purpose.

So, anyone have thoughts on this?