Bug Report Hotkey to Record No Longer If OBS Isn't The Active Window


New Member
As the title of the post says I can longer start a recording if OBS isn't the active window. I didn't include a log because everything else is working fine. The program works except for this minor issue that was working fine for me in 0.15.3. I don't know what you guys changed but something is causing this to not work right


New Member
It seems that running OBS as admin (Windows 10 64-bit running 64-bit OBS Studio 0.15.4) still does not correctly register hotkeys when not in focus if the hotkey is used via a macro button. The keyboard I use has buttons that can be mapped to a key combo, and I have them set up to ctrl+F# and OBS acts as follows:

  • Pushing ctrl+F# while OBS is in focus: Scene switches
  • Pushing ctrl+F# while OBS is not in focus: Scene switches
  • Pushing macroKey while OBS is in focus: Scene switches
  • Pushing macroKey while OBS is not in focus: Scene does not switch
It seems like the macroKey is being press too quickly for OBS to register it when OBS is not in focus. Side note: this also occurs when using LuaMacros with code as such:
lmc_device_set_name('KBD', '884B96C3-56EF-11D1-BC8C-00A0C91405DD')

lmc_http_server(12345, function(url)
  print('Callback for ' .. url)
  if url == '/scene1' then
  elseif url == '/scene2' then
  elseif url == '/window' then
     return lmc_get_window_title()
     print('Unknown request ' .. url)
     return 'unknown request'

I would upload a log file, but the log file does not display any hotkey presses.

Suslik V

Active Member
It seems that running OBS as admin (Windows 10 64-bit running 64-bit OBS Studio 0.15.4) still does not correctly register hotkeys when not in focus if the hotkey is used via a macro button...
Hope your script has admin rights on execution...

Suslik V

Active Member
I always thought that only executable have permissions not script itself... Is there any permission settings in the host application?

Can you try AutoHotkey instead (you can export script to the single exe file and run it whenever you want) ?


New Member
The reason I need to use LuaMacros is that it allows the creation of a web server that allows to the triggering of hotkeys, allowing me to (if it worked all the time) control OBS Studio remotely.